
Simple Creative Marketing

A proud moment and a special ask

Published over 2 years ago • 4 min read

Why hello, I’m Anf Chansamooth. You’re getting this email because you signed up to receive content marketing, remote work, and entrepreneurship tips from me (either through Simple Creative Marketing, Founders Connect or Remote Business Summit).

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Hey Reader,

This week I'd like to celebrate a win with you.

I recently received an email from a dear friend and mentor of mine - the Director of Sunshine School in Vientiane, Laos.

Sunshine School Laos is a place where dreams are born and dreams come true. It's certainly a place where my own dreams of living and volunteering abroad came true.

I first found out about the school when my sting in Toronto, Canada was coming to a close. My mother had passed away in 2009, and I mentioned to a dear friend my plan to return to Laos for the first time since immigrating to Australia when I was 6 months old.

(Shout out to Shawn Phelps for the intro to Sunshine School!)

Here's a snippet of the original email that I sent to the school on Feb 8, 2011, sharing my motivation for wanting to volunteer there:

I received a reply from school Director Didi Gaorii inviting me to visit her at the school after I arrived in Vientiane.

I will always have fond memories of my time volunteering there in 2011-2012.

During my time there I helped set up the computer lab with internet access for the students, taught English classes to the senior students, set up a website for the school, coordinated and welcomed international volunteers.

I also launched Design for Change Laos - a global empowerment program for children that I first learned about through a TED talk. With the help of 5 volunteers across several schools, we were able to get 10 schools in the district, teachers, and over 200 students leading acts of change in their communities. We even partnered up with a local filmmaker and music star to produce a documentary about the project.

A few days ago I received an email from Didi advising that the school has been hit hard due to the pandemic. The students have been attending virtual classrooms and the school has lost classrooms that were being rented in an adjacent building.

The good news is that there's hope to keep the school and its amazing holistic education program alive. Sunshine School has been donated some land, and they have a new website thanks to a volunteer.

(There's even a couple of photos of me with my students and volunteers on there - here's one of them).

Sunshine School has launched a crowdfunding campaign asking for support to build new classrooms and make them available to students for the 2021-22 school year.

So here's my win... Yesterday my wife and I donated $510 USD from SCM's profit account to the building of classrooms at Sunshine School Laos and their crowdfunding campaign.

As immigrants whose parents came from small villages in our respective countries, we are both big believers in supporting UN Global Goal #4:


Education drives everything that we do. (That's probably why we both love teaching so much!)

Sunshine School is now almost halfway to raising the $8,400 USD that they need to make their new building a reality for the teachers and students.

If you feel compelled to do so, please help give quality education to Lao children by donating.

Here are this week’s 5 resources:

1. Winning Case study format for SaaS companies

As part of the research for my case study book, I'm sharing examples of winning case studies. Here's one for software (SaaS) companies, courtesy of Referral Rock.

2. Dealing with COVID fatigue

Could you be experiencing COVID fatigue?

I feel that I have been. My temper is shorter. My mind can't focus for long stints as it could pre-covid. Some days I just don't have the mental bandwidth to do any creative work whatsoever. Also not sleeping well...

Good to know that I'm not alone.

This is a good read if you're experiencing something similar.

3. EVERYTHING You've Been Told About MONEY Is WRONG (How To Become Rich)

Ramit Sethi is a New York Times bestselling author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich and founder of He studied technology and psychology at Stanford and has helped over a million people live a “Rich Life.”

Ramit shares tools and strategies to make the most out of your money no matter how much you make.

He argues that you can buy as many lattes as you want and still be financially successful by focusing on the bigger picture.

4. How to Say No in English Politely (Without Feeling Guilty) by Annemarie Fowler

Feeling crazy busy, overwhelmed, and stressed out? Sounds like you need to stop saying yes.

5. Tool of the week: Book Like a Boss

Want a better way for people to schedule calls with you so that you can control your schedule and make time for your personal life?

Let me in on a little secret...

Book Like A Boss enables my clients, partners, and collaborators to schedule appointments without me needing to play email ping pong with them.

It's super easy for them to reschedule, and to get reminders. I'm also able to receive payments for my strategy sessions, consulting, and workshops using this tool.

I've also tested tools like Calendly and this one beats it hands down.

Get a free 14-day trial today.

Live Confidently and Passionately,

Anfernee Chansamooth

P.S. — We've got new episodes of Authentic Influence Live coming up in a few weeks, featuring cool interviews with the marketing guns behind leading B2B companies like Hubspot. Like our FB page or subscribe to the podcast to receive updates.

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