
Simple Creative Marketing

In search of freedom

Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read

Why hello, I’m Anf Chansamooth. You’re getting this email because you signed up to receive content marketing, remote work, and entrepreneurship tips from me (either through Simple Creative Marketing, Founders Connect or Remote Business Summit).

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Hey Reader,

It's been 97 days since the lockdown here in Sydney started.

I shared this on my FB profile recently:


The free-spirited Horse is the Chinese Zodiac's wanderer. 🐎

Horses need their independence and freedom.

They are packed with energy and constantly moving from one activity to another.

Horses are good with money and, of course, have a passion for travel.


I ain't going to lie, this #lockdownlife life ain't working for this horse... 😕

I'm missing:

✈ the joy of travel and wandering around the world with my wife.

🙌 connecting with humans in person - high-fives, hugs, laughs, and all of those good things that make us human.

💻 working out of coworking spaces, libraries, and cafes

Perhaps even more challenging for me has been the times when I've received text messages and video calls about losing family members.

Over the past year, I've lost two uncles that live abroad and a dear aunt in Melbourne (due to natural causes).

In Lao tradition when someone we know (or someone close to those we know) dies, we go to their house, give flowers, rice (small quantity, uncooked), and/or money.

There's typically a Buddhist ceremony involving prayer and chants with monks, and we pay respect to and celebrate the life of the deceased at the family home. We grieve together.

Buddhist Monks in Luang Prabang, Laos. Taken during my trip in March, 2011.

So it breaks my heart that during this pandemic and lockdown I haven't been able to travel to support and comfort those who have lost their loved ones.

My intention is not to be a downer for your day Reader.

I just wanted to share what's been weighing heavy on my heart and in my mind. I want to remind us all that we are human and the best gift that we can give to each other and to ourselves right now is compassion, empathy, and kindness.

There have also been some beautiful shining lights in my life during this time, like:

  • Watching my almost 1-year old nephew (a pandemic baby) learning how to crawl (he's Speedy Gonzalez now!)
  • The slow and steady growth of my business despite a pivot that I needed to make as a result of the pandemic.
  • The daily walks that I have with my wife down by the bay here where we have a chance to be present with each other (that pre-pandemic we didn't do nearly as much)

Taken on my morning walk today with my wife

Take a moment to send love to those you care about Reader, and remember that we are all in this together - even if sometimes feels like we are alone.

Here are this week’s 5 resources:

1. Building My Freedom Business podcast interview

I was recently invited to share my freedom business journey on Erik Wagter's podcast. In this candid conversation we discussed:

  • How I actually ended up doing what I'm doing now
  • Where and how I become passionate about dancing and teaching salsa
  • Why my first business failed and what I learned from the experience
  • Why and how I launched Simple Creative Marketing
  • The TRUST framework for attracting great clients, building credibility quickly, and selling more effectively
  • and more!

If you're interested in building your own freedom business check out this episode and other interviews Erik has done on his podcast.

2. How Do I Sell but Still Help People for Free? – Smart Passive Income

Learn tactics and mindsets for launching ebooks, building your online following, selling with integrity, and monetizing successfully.

3. How do workers really feel about remote working? - World Economic Forum

Many bosses might feel relieved or even pleased with how well they’ve handled the move to remote working in response to COVID-19 but employees don’t share this view, a new survey suggests.

4. The Secret to Success? Mastering the Art of Patience - Time

A 2018 study published in the prestigious journal Nature examined performance in creative and intellectual pursuits. The researchers found that while most people have a “hot streak” in their career—“a specific period during which an individual’s performance is substantially better than his or her typical performance”—the timing is somewhat unpredictable.

“The hot streak emerges randomly within an individual’s sequence of works, is temporally localized, and is not associated with any detectable change in productivity,” the researchers write.

But one thing just about every hot streak has in common? All rest on a foundation of prior work, during which improvement was much less apparent. If these individuals had given up, left their careers, or switched approaches too early, their breakthroughs would not have occurred. They had to practice patience.

Vincent van Gogh, for instance, produced more than twenty paintings in 1888, just two years before his death. These paintings included two of his most famous works, Starry Night and Sunflowers.

Don't be in a rush to create your best work. Go slow and enjoy the journey Reader.

5. Tool of the week: Diib

Automate your SEO and rapidly increase your traffic and rankings. No coding or experience is needed.

The Diib Answer Engine combines your actual analytics data with a deep analysis of your website, competitors’ websites, and industry benchmarks to tell you how to quickly grow online.

It only takes about 54 seconds to see your results!

Try it for yourself for free.

Live Confidently and Passionately,

Anfernee Chansamooth

P.S. — Are you interested learning, connecting, and collaborating with other B2B service owners? Join my Facebook group.

Simple Creative Marketing

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Why hello, I’m Anf Chansamooth. You’re getting this email because you signed up to receive content marketing, remote work, and entrepreneurship tips from me (either through Simple Creative Marketing, Founders Connect or Remote Business Summit). I appreciate you being on my list, but if you don't have any interest in building influence and income through being real, then Unsubscribe. Prefer to read this in your browser? Click here. Sin chao Reader Sneak peek - Something new and exciting is...

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