What lights you up [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

Why hello, I’m Anf Chansamooth. You’re getting this email because you signed up to receive content marketing, remote work, and entrepreneurship tips from me (either through Simple Creative Marketing, Founders Connect or Remote Business Summit).

I appreciate you being on my list, but if you don't have any interest in building influence and income through being real, then Unsubscribe.

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What lights you up Reader?

I've begun reflecting upon the year that I've had and it dawned on me that there are quite a few things missing that I'd like to do more of next year. These are things that bring me joy and make me feel more "me".

  • Travel and going on adventures with my wife
  • Doing fun things with cool people (like free hugs and flash mobs - can you spot me in the vid?)
  • Playing with my nephews
  • Being out in nature
  • Teaching others and seeing them succeed
  • Facilitating workshops and participating in retreats
  • Interviewing inspiring entrepreneurs, creators, and change-makers
  • Giving back and volunteering

These things light me up.

When I look at this list it's obvious to me that what I've missed the most since the pandemic started is a sense of connection - with people, nature, and fulfilling experiences. (I think I've just found my theme for 2022!)

What about you Reader? What would you like to do more of in 2022?

Here are this week's 5 resources:

1. How to charge more as a consultant ft. Deborah Zahn

Do you want to learn how to charge more as a consultant?

Watch this interview with Deborah Zahn of Craft of Consulting, where we’ll discuss:

  • Why did you start helping other consultants?
  • What is the most common mistake you see new consultants make when they first start?
  • How to bring in a steady, reliable pipeline of work.

2. How to grow your podcast audience & launch a book ft. Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation

Do you want to learn how to how to grow your podcast audience & launch a book?

Watch this interview with Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation, where we discuss:

  • Podcast growth: climbing the listener pyramid
  • SEO: creating content that ranks
  • Facebook as a discovery channel: Nick’s new favorite tool for list growth

Watch or listen now.

(By the way, in case you missed it I recently appeared on Nick's Side Hustle Nation podcast too. Have a listen to learn 16 marketing ideas to grow your business.)

3. Bean Ninjas podcast: Michael Wark & Anfernee Chansamooth – Working in Public (2021 review)

Michael Wark & I team up for a year-end review on the Bean Ninjas podcast. We discuss:

  • Our top 3 Bean Ninjas-related projects, lessons and challenges
  • How the COVID-19 lockdown in Sydney impacted our productivity.
  • We also give a glimpse of what we're preparing for the first quarter of 2022.

4. Pauline Boss — Navigating Loss Without Closure | The On Being Project

Pauline Boss coined the term “ambiguous loss” and invented a new field within psychology to name the reality that every loss does not hold a promise of anything like resolution. Amid this pandemic, there are so many losses — from deaths that could not be mourned, to the very structure of our days, to a sudden crash of what felt like solid careers and plans and dreams. This conversation is full of practical intelligence for shedding assumptions about how we should be feeling and acting as these only serve to deepen stress.

5. Tool of the week: Surfer SEO

Are you looking for a better way to create content that ranks on page 1 of google?

Surfer is a fantastic tool for writing and optimizing content for organic traffic.

I use Surfer for all things content-related. With features like Content Editor or Content Planner, you can generate a whole content strategy in a few clicks, and write data-driven content loved by search engines and people.

Got a page stuck below the top 10 results in Google? Surfer’s Audit tool works like a checklist that will help you identify content gaps, structural defects, and easy-to-implement opportunities. Implementing them is a matter of minutes and brings great results in organic traffic.

Surfer offers a 7-day money back guarantee so you can try it out today and get a full refund within 7 days if you're not happy with it.

Live Confidently and Passionately,

Anfernee Chansamooth

P.S. — I'm writing a book about using case studies for business growth! If you want to know more about it and receive updates on my book journey join the waitlist.

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Hey Reader,I'm moving over to a new email provider and I thought I'd take the opportunity to clean out my email list.I'm going to archive this current list tomorrow, so if you would like to continue getting emails from me: Click here to opt in to the new list. Here's a sneak peak of topics I'll be writing about in upcoming newsletters: The hidden cost of fast growth Persuasive writing techniques that great copywriters don't want you using Habits of successful creators Dodgy things that brands...

Hey, I'm moving email providers and cleaning out my list. I'll be sending actionable marketing, online business, and personal development tips every Friday (Thurs for U.S. folks). Want to continue receiving my updates? Click here to opt in to receive my emails -Anfernee Chansamooth PS. Thanks again for the support, and stay in touch (or not - that's ok too =).

Why hello, I’m Anf Chansamooth. You’re getting this email because you signed up to receive content marketing, remote work, and entrepreneurship tips from me (either through Simple Creative Marketing, Founders Connect or Remote Business Summit). I appreciate you being on my list, but if you don't have any interest in building influence and income through being real, then Unsubscribe. Prefer to read this in your browser? Click here. Sin chao Reader Sneak peek - Something new and exciting is...